Wednesday, 8 March 2017

0017 Christmas break in Perth

21st Dec 2016 – 6th Jan 2017.
Relaxing in Perth.

Poppie & Trooper had a great time together
3 weeks in Perth – And after that drive, Trooper wasn’t the only one to enjoy sitting in one place for a while !!   Poppie and Trooper were happy to see each other – Mainly because it gave both of them someone to play with when the adults were not interested !!  And a new and very squeaky ball gave both of them endless hours of fun, both in the house and in the park during our morning and afternoon walks.

Troopie meets Tonka !
Damien still has his big yellow “Tonka Truck”, but it was interesting to see that Troopie is actually slightly taller, which surprised me.  Getting up into Damien’s is a bit harder though as the wheels are so much bigger.   Nick and Tanja had some friends over from Holland, so we didn’t see them for a couple of days.  But a hot day meant an evening eating pizza on the beach at sunset
was a good way to cool down, and we all sat down at City Beach and caught up.  Very pleasant evening.
Feeding swans in the park
The next day, Janet, Poppie and I went down to their local park to show me around, and although it was a bit hot, Poppie took her scooter, and as we went round the lake we fed the swans (Poppie not too sure about them !), while noisy cockatoos played in the trees above.  Poppie loves the exercise machines dotted around the park, so we had to stop at each one and have a go !  Janet has also been helping Poppie to build a little garden at the house,  and she
Poppie with her sunflowers
has all sorts of things growing there – Even sunflowers.  And at the front they planted pig face collected from the roadside to try to make the sandy soil out the front look a little more attractive.

Suddenly it was Christmas !!   Hannah had to work right up to Christmas, but it was so good having Damien in town unexpectedly.  Thinking he would be offshore, we had decided that since it would just be Janet, Hannah, Poppie and I for Christmas, it would be
Poppie helping Trooper open his present !
much easier if we went to a local hotel for a change.  This turned out to be a great success.  We had a fairly quiet morning centred around Poppie (of course !) as she opened all her presents, although the rest of us all did pretty well also – Especially me !  Everyone had got together and bought me (well, Janet and I) a Nespresso coffee machine, so now I could pretend I was George Clooney !!  Damien and Hannah also have one and we were enjoying it, so all I had to do was find a place I could pack it inside Troopie so I could get it back to Queensland in one piece !!

Father Christmas arrives
Hannah, Poppie, & Damien
After presents had been opened around the Christmas tree, we got dressed and headed off to Scarborough Beach to the hotel, where luckily there was space on the table for Damien.  There was another lady on the table with
Poppie up on stage with the band
her two daughters (her husband was away over Christmas working), and eventually everyone mixed in very well.  The food was excellent and plentiful, and there was a band up on stage which kept everyone in the spirit.  Later on, the band invited all the kids up on stage to sing along, so Janet took Poppie and one of the other little girls from the table up and they had a wonderful time up there.
Later on, Father Christmas came round with a present for every child in the room, and although Poppie was a bit shy of the funny old man, Janet had no such qualms !  I guess we ended up
Hannah with her desert !
leaving at about 3 pm, and it really was a very pleasant way to have a Christmas meal, especially on a hot day.  The food was excellent, and there was no clearing up to do afterwards – Just back to the house to find out how Trooper was getting on, and to take him for a walk in the park.

Trooper and Poppie having a drink together !
Poppie ready for surf
Unfortunately the cyclone in the north had calmed down after Christmas, and Damien had to fly back up to go offshore, but as he only had a week to go, it wasn’t too bad.  In the meantime we took Poppie out for
adventures in the park, or out for lunch with friends, and every day, morning and afternoon, Poppie helped me take Trooper out for a walk at one of the several lovely big parks they have around their home.  Most of the parks have water fountains, and Poppie loved giving
Taking Trooper for his daily walk
Trooper a drink from the fountain.  On one occasion Poppie was having a drink herself, but Trooper was thirsty too, so he drank the left over water that Poppie missed, and for a while the two of them were having a lovely time almost nose to nose at the fountain !  Damien would take Poppie surfing down on the beach most mornings, and one day we all went down and ended up having some Fish and Chips down there afterwards.  

Officer Poppie in Mum's hat !!

After Damien returned from the rig again, it was time for us to leave and head home.  So after loading everything into Troopie (and yes, the Nespresso machine fitted perfectly !), on the 6th January we headed out, on the long haul back to Queensland.   A great Christmas, with a chance to catch up with everyone and spend some time with Nick and Tanja before they become parents, as well as seeing a few of our own friends in Perth (from the time when we lived there).  2017 is going to be a busy and exciting year for everyone – Poppie starting “big” school, Nick and Tanja becoming parents, Hannah graduating from the Police Academy – Lots going on everywhere.  And being in Perth with Nick and D and partners was an excellent way to start the year – Shame Benn and Sarah couldn’t be there this year, but they were busy in Houston.  Roll on 2017! 

Rest of the pics are here :-

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